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There have been 125 items by Xcelon (Search limited from 01-August 23)

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#31582 Morphset

Posted by Xcelon on 02 June 2004 - 10:38 AM in Druid Class Discussion

This is probably an extremely stupid question, but do all of the morph animals have the same base damage? Does one attack for more?

#31581 Later

Posted by Xcelon on 02 June 2004 - 10:22 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

That's the spirit! Promise to stay and I'll even sit still and let you pk me a few times, but STAY!

I don't even have to stay still... she pk's me anyway! :)

#31366 Photo: Jlh And Whom?

Posted by Xcelon on 01 June 2004 - 04:03 PM in Game Discussion

I cannot see havanors pic... mebbe thats just something to do with my internet explorer.. i dunno

#31363 Coversion

Posted by Xcelon on 01 June 2004 - 04:00 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Isn't Archmaster kar? Forgive me if i'm wrong, but he seems to talk, spell and act pretty much exactly like him.

#31352 Medal Of Triumph

Posted by Xcelon on 01 June 2004 - 02:25 PM in Items for Sale

it wasn't fair... blooming baroness cynthia... if only I had a cobalt I could of whipped her a$$ =*(

#31345 Bosses

Posted by Xcelon on 01 June 2004 - 01:58 PM in Help Forum

Okay... :

Gh ul arg - Natura - Antlers

Hydra Body - Ercule Swamp - Hydra Thorn

Lag Monster - Below Boars Tusk Inn - Amulet of Lag Protection

Old Hermit - Hermit's Cave - Shark Tooth Necklace (this is in Silversail Beach)

Gardener - Rose Garden 1st Floor - Petal Key

Sewage Smithy - Sewage Drainage - Blade of Sacrifice

Cinder Beast - Rose Garden/Mount Fenowsty - Roses (Does this Count?)

I will add some more when I can think of some.

Also, when will this helper be coming out?

#29534 Im New On Forum...

Posted by Xcelon on 25 May 2004 - 08:44 PM in Help Forum

I think we should congratulate Bean on his good detective work :)

#29473 Swamps

Posted by Xcelon on 25 May 2004 - 04:47 PM in Comments

I think swamps should stay... They are extremely good exp and to sort of even out the scale of good and bad they have not alot of hydras, and you will probably get pked. One guy who I see around the swamps pretty much everytime is Bash. He lives in there...

#29472 Im New On Forum...

Posted by Xcelon on 25 May 2004 - 04:43 PM in Help Forum

rofl... i may as well make 6 crits and make them all say 'Xcelon is the greatest!'

#29283 Nöt Förgöttën

Posted by Xcelon on 24 May 2004 - 08:38 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

I dont know if i'm a good enough player to get into the not forgotton clan... if i beg can I get in? Pwease?

#29280 Cya Everybodi

Posted by Xcelon on 24 May 2004 - 08:35 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Of course Deval... you are the most awesomest person of us all! We should all worship you as our real god...

#29276 The Notorious Beany Masters

Posted by Xcelon on 24 May 2004 - 08:08 PM in Clan Forum

I remember years ago, the NBM had over 1000 members and were ranked first, I hope this happens again. No offence to TR but they have been there a bit too long...

#28990 Who Hired The 3 Year Old?

Posted by Xcelon on 23 May 2004 - 12:59 PM in Improvements

Yeah yeah, i know i've quit and all but i'm still wondering what these pics are:
1. Posted Image
2. Posted Image
3. Posted Image
4. Posted Image
5. Posted Image
6. Posted Image
7. Posted Image
8. Posted Image
9. Posted Image
10. Posted Image

There were more but the forum didn't let me enter any more :)

#27094 Cya Everybodi

Posted by Xcelon on 15 May 2004 - 09:04 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Hiya everyone, i'm afraid due to my parents saying i've been on nightmist too much i have to quit. This probably sounds rly wierd but I am kind of glad that they banned me... I think it was because I was sorta an addict and i'd been on far too much, and as i'm only eleven i've got schoolwork to think about. :) My MSN addy is kieran_subberwal@hotmail.com , feel free to add me if you want too. I would like to say thx to Stranger_girl, Charon, Valmont/shadow_staff, Ecstasy, Raylen and Tatsu, Quark and Lionheart, Angelic, and loads of other ppl for making my Nightmist life hell! :) Only joking... thx to all of these people because they made me laugh or took me on training missions etc etc. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

btw, I was Coke, Lostsoul, Laznium, Vajin, Twerp, and Xcelon (duh) ingame.

#26133 Druid

Posted by Xcelon on 11 May 2004 - 03:34 PM in Characters for Sale

Okay.. i'll try to catch you both and you can out bid each other :)

#25938 A Scary Trend

Posted by Xcelon on 10 May 2004 - 06:35 PM in Game Discussion

I started playing Nightmist when I was about 9 or 10.. i was a computer geek :) If it was P2P i think many people couldn't play as they only play because its free and you DONT have to pay like other games. I think this is one way how Nightmist stands out from all the other games. My view against this is probably wront, but i think if Nightmist went p2p it would lose alot of players.

#25713 /clan Invite Alts

Posted by Xcelon on 09 May 2004 - 07:29 PM in Suggestions

I think its a great idea, really should be put into the game.

#25660 Druid

Posted by Xcelon on 09 May 2004 - 03:19 PM in Characters for Sale


#25491 Druid

Posted by Xcelon on 08 May 2004 - 07:18 PM in Characters for Sale

lol plz somebody bid :s

#25480 Druid

Posted by Xcelon on 08 May 2004 - 06:14 PM in Characters for Sale

This is the Druid:

Race/Class: Male Elf Druid., Str: 18, Int: 21, Dex: 18, Con: 17, Wis: 20, Chr: 19, Lev: 20, Exp: 9,963,604, HP: 189, MP: 210, Stm: 3.
Spells: Heal, Jolt, Camouflage, Nourish, Thornshield, Stoneform, Gaea's Blessing, Nature's Fury, Stormwrath.
This character can still be /reset.

BID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (please)

#24488 Arch

Posted by Xcelon on 04 May 2004 - 05:02 PM in Wanted

I am looking for an arch under exp or a three or four statter. Memo Vajin/Lostsoul ingame.

#24485 A Few Crits

Posted by Xcelon on 04 May 2004 - 04:45 PM in Characters for Sale

How do you roll so good! i always get 1's and 2's.. if i'm lucky i might get a three!
Btw.. what race are they all?

#24482 Arch Dwarf Thief For Sale!

Posted by Xcelon on 04 May 2004 - 04:39 PM in Characters for Sale

Does it come equipped?

#23592 173 Names For Sale!

Posted by Xcelon on 01 May 2004 - 06:47 AM in Characters for Sale

lmao ffs just give up u are nver going to sell them!!!

#23590 Decent Names

Posted by Xcelon on 01 May 2004 - 06:45 AM in Characters for Sale

I WANT GHANDI!!!! /cry