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#171093 Healing Party

Posted by Evaporate on 21 July 2006 - 05:58 AM in Help Forum

Theres aid at lvl 18.. divine restoration on clerics at 27.. juss thought id add on, lol

Yea, I doubt he'd have any clerics that high of a level yet... especially if he doesn't know how to use the basic level ones. He'd figure out the higher end spells, long before he was able to use them.

#169124 /load [critname] Function

Posted by Evaporate on 30 June 2006 - 07:13 PM in Technical Support

When most refer to 'uninstall', its usually 'assumed', that you:
Delete the entire directory after uninstallation. Read only files can't be changed/modified/copied over, and I have had several problems with that particular issue, causing some.. strange.. results..
Uninstall > Delete Directory (after saving the macro txt's if you wish, to another folder) > reinstall > update

#169123 I Need Help,im Computerlly Challenged :(

Posted by Evaporate on 30 June 2006 - 07:08 PM in Technical Support

nevermind,i fixed it,had to delete a host file.

Dude, you can delete your own threads.... Look near bottom left corner of window, I think's its labeled 'thread moderation options' or something like that.

#168499 A New Paci Trick.

Posted by Evaporate on 25 June 2006 - 10:25 AM in Game Discussion

And how many alts can 2 PC's run on the same connection? No real change their? But, I know it was before, and 'should' still be now, where a Paci on the same IP, should not be allowed online with normal alts. I have 3 PC's in my room (not sure what 3rd would be for), doesn't mean I have the right, to run a party with a pacifist. Its the whole point of the class.
At one point, a paci could lead a party (by druid/ranger tracking). That is no more. Why? People abused it.
If people are using a paci WITH alts on 2 of thier PC's, that is abuse, and should be dealt with accordingly.
2 people in the same house, should not be running a paci + alts on each comp. Thats the Whole point of WhY they are NOT allowed online with alts. If it was NOT the reason why they couldn't be run together, then they should remove the whole 'not being able to load with normal alts' thing, because, people are just bypassing it. And bypassing is just another word for cheating.

#168457 H-elf

Posted by Evaporate on 24 June 2006 - 07:08 PM in Fighter Class Discussion

Try telling that to all those crazy kids with their halfelf zerkers. And most/all of them don't even have 20 char! Mad world, I tellya ;)

Well, I've seen a lot of the old old characters, that have long been arch's, but have poor stats by comparison to the newer versions. I guess more people are spending their time rolling/selling, than being in a hurry to train.... But.. having the only arch of something, is quite a 'unique' item.....

#168456 A New Paci Trick.

Posted by Evaporate on 24 June 2006 - 07:05 PM in Game Discussion

Well, I think the paci/normal alt detection system, should be improved to include IP address issues.
I remember back before, I used to have major issues logging on normally on occassion. I would get a random error message, saying that I could not logon to the crit I tried, while 'I' had a pacifist online. Which, I did not, and only 1 paci was in account... and was not logged in. So, it had to be tracking the IP address. IF that is still the case, creating a false IP address, to use with the other computer, is an obvious malicious action, that really SHOULD be bannable.
But, if the original rule was changed (I'm assuming it was tracked via IP address, so 2 computers sharing the same interent connection could not use a paci/alts from diff accounts, at same location, as I never could understand it sometimes...... should have contacted JLH at the time... to lazy then....)

#168394 Desperate Housewives

Posted by Evaporate on 24 June 2006 - 04:37 AM in Clan Forum

I can asure you it's not the only head I have that is mooseing huge.

Jared = 4.5" long, 8" round

Me = 8" long. 4.5" round

Mwahahaha ;)

Well, technically, if only the first 2"'s are felt, then, you would want a lot at the beggining... so... the straw-like one, wouldn't be much of a pleaser... lol

#168257 Run-time Error '75':

Posted by Evaporate on 23 June 2006 - 11:16 AM in Technical Support

I don't think it used to do that... I seem to recall having a problem changing my macro's at one point (shortly after starting). Only problem was, I changed it, and changed it, and it never showed after saving, finally noticed that...... (about same time I realized that macro's were saved to a txt file.... lol)

#168150 Run-time Error '75':

Posted by Evaporate on 22 June 2006 - 11:22 AM in Technical Support

I think I got that problem a while back. I had restored my comp to a former state (before a update/reinstall I believe). I backed up my directory for macro's, onto another HD. I 'think' the problem was that I had made the files read-only, during the original transfer... and when copied back, NM couldn't change them.

#168041 Nm Transportation

Posted by Evaporate on 21 June 2006 - 03:51 PM in Suggestions

Awww, come on. If PK'ers try to jump you, you just run them over LMAO!

#167983 Why Do 21-dex Baby Rangers....

Posted by Evaporate on 21 June 2006 - 12:24 AM in Ranger Class Discussion

Err... they hit just as often as any other non-fighter-main class (zerk/fighter). No one complains about the accuracy of pallies, even when half's. I think accuracy has a bit to do with class as well.. (why else would a cleric only land every other hit, at higher levels, maybe less at lower, even with high dex)

#167980 Desperate Housewives

Posted by Evaporate on 20 June 2006 - 11:57 PM in Clan Forum

Well, it does appear that clan rank, has more to do with clan house size, than actual crits in the clan. Yet, sheer volumne of arch crits, can also make a difference in score as well. But, ehh..

#167907 H-elf

Posted by Evaporate on 20 June 2006 - 11:38 AM in Fighter Class Discussion

It's secretly me.

Err... whoever it is, obviously isn't bragging about it..... Maybe an inactive?
Well, I am surprised its not more common.. A helf would have better HP than half the other classes (being at 19 con assumingly... of course). Ehh...

#167746 H-elf

Posted by Evaporate on 18 June 2006 - 12:50 PM in Fighter Class Discussion


Man... you are ignorant sometimes... Just look at the NM main page, under game/stats.
He's referring to:

Arch Fighter Breakdown:

96 dwarf's
7 elf's
0 gnome's
1 Half-Elf ******
49 halflings
1 half-orc
67 human's

Who cares who has a low level that the owner is to 'lazy' (as you put it) to train?

#167745 Desperate Housewives

Posted by Evaporate on 18 June 2006 - 12:47 PM in Clan Forum

Well, gang's have always lost their appeal to me... this whole crypt's vs bloods fued makes me angry.. I say:
Its not my job to judge them.
God will judge the wicked.
Its my job to arrange the meeting.
Semper Fi

#167744 Halberds

Posted by Evaporate on 18 June 2006 - 12:38 PM in Suggestions

That is the reason Halberd's have dropped in value to begin with. There are already many weapons ingame, with the same stats, but higher level restrictions. Halberd's are still the best weapon for level 20's, but, once crits reach 25, its not required to use the hally, when other weapons, with similar stats are available. I remember a year ago, hally's went for nearly 100k, since, there were fewer of them ingame, and that there were fewer secondary weapons with same base damage. Creating more would only lower the street value of it.

#167480 Desperate Housewives

Posted by Evaporate on 16 June 2006 - 11:04 AM in Clan Forum

They removed the fat/overwieght Subway-Jared photo, but they leave the picture of granny flipping the bird? At LEAST the photo of Jared was FuNnY... lol
(and deleted my post saying, ROFL)

#167324 6.6.6

Posted by Evaporate on 14 June 2006 - 10:54 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I had a nightmare the other night.... :
I was rolling on the roller (yea can tell where this is going), rolled a 6 stat human, but, had already hit the enter key... and NM laggged for like 20 seconds.... I had to stare at that 6 stat for the whole time, waiting for it to roll past it..... >.< ;)

#167322 Cuff Links

Posted by Evaporate on 14 June 2006 - 10:36 PM in Improvements

Err, not sure which shop that is in (if in a shop). I was using his example based on the shop in NM... but, either way.

#167193 Cuff Links

Posted by Evaporate on 14 June 2006 - 12:53 AM in Improvements

Disagree. 400gp wrist-item sold right in nightmist market would play down eliteness of bracelets. ;)

Well, there is already an item from that same shop, that is equiped as a bracelet.
Evaporate is a Male Elf Adept Cleric. He looks strong, wise, fast, and sexy. In one hand he holds a Staff of Elements, the other a Feathered Shield. He is wearing an Ironweed Doublet, and a Pirate Hat protects his head. Around his neck sits a Silver Amulet. He has a Garter around his wrist. He is wearing a Ring of Windia, a Ring of Windia, a Ring of Windia, and Tomb Gloves on his hands. His feet are protected by Loafers. He is a Leader (®¤Ð€MÕÑŠ€¥€¤®) of Desperate Housewives and he is in a healthy condition.

#167141 Removing An Item Off The Website

Posted by Evaporate on 13 June 2006 - 05:12 PM in Suggestions

Since i think the command will work only for the actual crit who put it on the site...then there shouldn't be any aburse of it. And the only thing i can think of that comes close...is ppl who forget they put something on the site with that crit and end up selling the crit. Then the other person will just be able to get the item, with money needed in the bank to back up tthe purchase. But thats honestly the sellers fault for doing that. I once did that with a crit having a hally on the site once. Felt like a retard cuz i completely forgot.

Heh, so the crit came with a 50k rebate? ;)

#167123 Removing An Item Off The Website

Posted by Evaporate on 13 June 2006 - 01:21 PM in Suggestions

EDIT: explanation ;p (incase you dont have the gold atm) or something lol

Err, that would be the ONLY reason you'd do that, would it not? Just borrow the money from a clanmate, and give back when item is withdrawn.. people would likely find a way to abuse it..

#166988 Magimox

Posted by Evaporate on 12 June 2006 - 03:59 PM in Suggestions

Mhm its getting to the point where there are 5 everywhere I go.

Err, I don't think anyone is majorly collecting those crystals anymore.... why there are so many running around.... There are like 50 in the large forest....... (lol), just from the 1 mox that spawns on the no-drag-to square.... lol....
Maybe, increase the drop rate for higher end crystals? It was good to start... but, the sheer volumne of crystals required (and the prime targets you make collecting them...), is a bit much...

I thought they were locked to the meadow?

Locked to the meadow and the large forest.... lol

#166952 Something Is Wrong

Posted by Evaporate on 12 June 2006 - 01:25 PM in Cleric Class Discussion

i gtta show this entire forum this study from cambridge university of how the human mind duz not need actual right spelling just the first and last letter of the word to be right ;)

anyway i mean y wud they program it in this way....it completely destroys the human cleric....

ok cn yu tl me wt im tg at ts vy mt

wow.....I was drunk when I typed that, and now that Im sober, I can tell what I was saying.

Sorry to bump an old topic. Was just bored.

Reads like:
Ok, can you tell me what I'm tg? (talking? perhaps) at thanks very much

#166823 Fresh Rolls

Posted by Evaporate on 11 June 2006 - 04:04 PM in Characters for Sale
