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psyco of UA's Content

There have been 16 items by psyco of UA (Search limited from 27-July 23)

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#174704 Can't Log In

Posted by psyco of UA on 01 September 2006 - 10:28 PM in Technical Support


#174701 Can't Log In

Posted by psyco of UA on 01 September 2006 - 10:24 PM in Technical Support

ya figured it out u need to use dns in options

#174689 Can't Log In

Posted by psyco of UA on 01 September 2006 - 09:18 PM in Technical Support

i got the same problem i lagged and now i cant get passes connection established

#173233 Keep Or Not

Posted by psyco of UA on 10 August 2006 - 09:53 PM in Paladin Class Discussion


#173192 Keep Or Not

Posted by psyco of UA on 10 August 2006 - 03:29 AM in Paladin Class Discussion

Race/Class: Male Human Novice Paladin. Str: 18, Int: 19, Dex: 17, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 18, Lev: 11, Exp: 231,499, HP: 111, MP: 129, Stm: 2.

should i keep this and train it?

#172814 Crossbows

Posted by psyco of UA on 05 August 2006 - 11:10 PM in Ranger Class Discussion


#172790 Crossbows

Posted by psyco of UA on 05 August 2006 - 05:02 PM in Ranger Class Discussion

can rangers still rapid fire and use there skills with crossbows?

#171182 Healing Party

Posted by psyco of UA on 22 July 2006 - 12:46 AM in Help Forum

druids can have heal from lvl 1 not 5

#170929 Training 14-18

Posted by psyco of UA on 19 July 2006 - 06:46 PM in Cleric Class Discussion

wat are the "best" places to train 2 cleric lvl 14 to 18?

#170766 Looking For A Clan

Posted by psyco of UA on 18 July 2006 - 02:52 AM in Clan Forum

looking for a not small clan

#169405 A Fairwell To The Rose Blade

Posted by psyco of UA on 03 July 2006 - 11:59 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum


#168169 2 Of 6 Stat Human

Posted by psyco of UA on 22 June 2006 - 02:25 PM in Characters for Sale

19 19 17 19 19 19
bid here plz

#167535 Look For Lvl 27 Elf Cleric

Posted by psyco of UA on 16 June 2006 - 06:37 PM in Wanted

looking for a elf lvl 27 cleric
or as close to the lvl as possible get me ingame

#166151 Ignore Pc

Posted by psyco of UA on 06 June 2006 - 02:16 AM in Help Forum

if they talk in normal chat, clan chat or friend chat/enemy chat to u it will say they on ure ignorepc list but if u they dont speak to u in it it wont block em

#166009 Lots Of Zerks

Posted by psyco of UA on 05 June 2006 - 01:51 AM in Wanted

they 12 zerkers right
talk to me ingame or memo me to talk about a price

#163894 Selling A Elf Mage

Posted by psyco of UA on 21 May 2006 - 02:10 AM in Characters for Sale

Race/Class: Male Elf Initiate Mage. Str: 7, Int: 20, Dex: 19, Con: 17, Wis: 19, Chr: 10, Lev: 3, Exp: 2,462, HP: 27, MP: 50, Stm: 1.