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#210889 Question

Posted by Ill never tell on 18 October 2008 - 04:25 AM in Game Discussion

Pfft, I'd step down for Crane.

I think we all would.

#210866 Multi Server Reset

Posted by Ill never tell on 17 October 2008 - 09:58 AM in Game Discussion

Been said before. If any reset was going to happen (And there needs to be one if this game ever wants to have a chance at striving) it would be to close down BOTH servers fix and fix and balance the game to fit the alt limit of which JLH/Simon would seem to be the best choice. Such as close down both and reopen ONE when they decided if they wanna continue with the 1a, 5a, 10a, or 20a. In my opinion, I think it would need to be 1a since that seems to be most popular and in my opinion the best way to go about a text based game. But as they said, Its not gonna happen so good luck.

#210735 Token Bosses

Posted by Ill never tell on 12 October 2008 - 06:48 AM in Game Discussion

The last one of course..

#210733 Token Bosses

Posted by Ill never tell on 12 October 2008 - 06:36 AM in Game Discussion

Well first off let me lmfao at tony for accomplishing so much on nm.. Then let me laugh at how staff said that this was a "he did it first thing" so now people complain to have it changed, when there have been countless other things that other individuals did first and got introuble and it eventually got changed gg much? As for that this game is dead, the staff dont care to change anything obviously except the one and only elf.. The other few get on and slam players opinions or join in on the flame fest... But as I said this game is dead and on wedensday we should all be having fun with something new.

#210442 Hero Status

Posted by Ill never tell on 02 October 2008 - 11:21 PM in Suggestions

Not to mention someone would have to hit lvl 40.. Lol..

#210432 Hero Status

Posted by Ill never tell on 02 October 2008 - 03:12 PM in Suggestions


#210226 Efforts

Posted by Ill never tell on 26 September 2008 - 08:37 AM in Game Discussion

That would require coding. Lol... As for the DotW issue I agree with Jake. As for mages they have always been hard to train and thats why they WERE good PvP. But you see how quickly the best class becomes one of the most difficult...

#210218 Halloween Quest?

Posted by Ill never tell on 26 September 2008 - 04:15 AM in Game Discussion

YES!!!. That suspense enough? Lol?!

#210183 The Cure For All Of Nm Problems

Posted by Ill never tell on 25 September 2008 - 04:55 AM in Game Discussion

The easy button is a marketing campaing used by staples office supplies. You push the button and you get everything you want, when you want it. It would work the same way here on nm if it was plausable.

It was funny to me because I knew about the comercials. It probably shouldn't be in discussions either, and I thought by sure it would have been deleted by staff by now.

What staff?

#210103 Two Useful Abilities

Posted by Ill never tell on 23 September 2008 - 05:40 AM in Fighter Class Discussion


#210088 New 1a Staff

Posted by Ill never tell on 23 September 2008 - 12:58 AM in Game Discussion

I don't think he means make another staff an artist staff. And someone with programming wouldn't help that much seening as it would have no effect on it, since John is the only person who can understand NM language. Someone with knowledge on how the game works - classes, areas, bosses and etc. is the best pick. Emma wasn't huge on programming but she could make pretty gg areas/quest. Just took time and dedication.

#210002 New Weapon

Posted by Ill never tell on 20 September 2008 - 08:45 AM in Game Discussion

"I vote for removing all vamperic abilities on all weapons except cobalt and others that might be crafted using a cobalt as one of the items needed."

That was actually the first thing that was posted about the dotw issue. And the same thing happend aka didn't happen.

#209992 New Weapon

Posted by Ill never tell on 19 September 2008 - 11:17 PM in Game Discussion


#209985 New Weapon

Posted by Ill never tell on 19 September 2008 - 06:47 PM in Game Discussion

Been posted before and staff lol'd and shut it down pretty quickly.

#209946 Assassinate

Posted by Ill never tell on 19 September 2008 - 12:29 AM in Game Discussion

How about instead of weakening stronger classes, we make weak classes stronger? If thieves are fun and useful and other classes aren't, then it would make sense that the other classes might have bigger issues.

Wont happen because "We don't know what those classes will be like at lvl 35+".. Except mages, and everyone knows there underpowerd now. Dev or 7 stam at 35 maybe?.. People just bitched because there was a certian few who had mages that were 4-5 levels ahead of anyone else and raped everyonelse.. But now even lower level thieves or thieves with out equip beat out top dollar equips of things higher or lower level.. And they do easy pvm...

#209926 Assassinate

Posted by Ill never tell on 18 September 2008 - 01:14 AM in Game Discussion

The debate of realism creeps into the equation again...

Realistically, a covert thief should have greater armour-piercing capabilities (or just plain higher damage) with assassinate than an overt thief; the reason being that if you can see your attacker, you would do your best to dodge the attack or block it with a shield or a piece of armour plating; if you cannot see the attacker, they can quite easily sneak up from behind and either slice your throat or stab the blade through a chink in your protection.

I do not know where to start when it comes to the balancing of classes on the 1-alt server, except perhaps to give Paladins something to make them more appealing to a team.

<3.. Paladins are a forum and a half on there own though... :ph34r:

#209924 Assassinate

Posted by Ill never tell on 18 September 2008 - 12:18 AM in Game Discussion

First of all, on a 6 stam thief that would cut down dmg by about 100 hp.

I don't think there is any need for any reduction like that. If anything a max of 5% difference. Although to be honest I don't think that is neccessary. I think armor has the perfect amount of influence on assassinate.

Not supported.

I don't see how making it go through 25% less ac makes them lose 100 damage?

But anyways yes, I support it. Also to make the ability more of an "ability". Maybe when uncovert 40% and when covert 60%? But thats more codeing then making it all 50% so good luck.

#209916 Malok Area: Level Cap?

Posted by Ill never tell on 17 September 2008 - 09:34 PM in Game Discussion

Didn't know it got more simpler then just tapping left click every few seconds..

Also, zerks will be the "most" overpowerd class by far when they get that high. Probelm is they spend more gold then they make and they are insane to train solo. Thieves on the other hand do insane damage with assassinate, make extreme gold and can bank almost all of it after lvl 25. Now, yes lower level zerks can click both a mage and thief and gg to them. But like cruxis said I think the only thing that will 'balance' out thieves is to knock down the rediculous 75% and make it 40 or so. That to me seems like the best fix. If not then atleast give mages 7 stam at lvl 35 and 8 at 37 to make it even close.

Also, no.. 5 lvl 35 mages wont beat 5 lvl 35 thieves with the current set up..

#209881 Malok Area: Level Cap?

Posted by Ill never tell on 16 September 2008 - 06:44 AM in Game Discussion

Rangers and Druids are easy to train out of town. Druids especially sense they can hide and then go somewhere and as you said morphed and spider staff is gg. Pallys can go anywhere. This is all at lvl 25+ish of course. But fighters/zerks/mages/clerics cant stray to far away from a pub/shop and 3 of those 4 are easy to follow out of town.
Point is that thieves not only have dotw, not only can hide out of town, not only can click monsters and players, but also have a private training ground.

#209877 Malok Area: Level Cap?

Posted by Ill never tell on 16 September 2008 - 04:42 AM in Game Discussion

Malok area can not be changed to 1-30 only.. main reason for this being.. how would Malok be able to be killed? Yes a lot do train there, but i can name you off a bunch of thieves that train elsewhere well hidden just as easily in spots that EVERYONE can get to. I even use to own a druid myself and found plenty of spots i could hide in and not be found or bothered by pkers. Quit complaining about one class, and go use your characters the right way and find good hiding spots not well traveled areas where people KNOW you train.

Hmm. Good hiding spots that no one ever goes.. Sounds like thats pretty far from a town.. Sounds like you would have to go back and forth for mana or pots.. Unless... You had a Dotw!!!

#209847 Malok Area: Level Cap?

Posted by Ill never tell on 15 September 2008 - 05:31 PM in Game Discussion

Was sat bored thinking of something to suggest and here's all i could come up with to benefit the whole game...

/Destroy Nightmist

Vouch that. Destroy or close down and reopen when its fixed.

And to comment on this post. All of you high level theives did work hard to get to the level you are but you had an area that only that class could enter to train in? Everyone else has to run around in places anyone can get to. The thieves can log on and be like "Hmm I feel like training I think ill go to malok and mess around and have someone sit at the door so that I can know when another thief is coming. And not have to worry about anything!" Other people log on and have to figure out where they are going to train or move from spot to spot that day.

"Ok so who said that Malok area is the only place to train, if you are so worried about level 31's and up being down there to pk you then don't go there when they are on or at all. There is more then enough other areas that you and your buddies can go to for training. Just because things don't go your way down there doesn't mean that it has to be changed for you."

Its not the "Only" place to train, but its the most used by thieves and why do they get a special area to train in while others have to train in places thieves can come find them? Im pretty sure the use of the malok guild came in when people started getting tired of getting pk'd by the mages and they finnaly where able to kill things down there solo. So they got to go train pretty much without any worries while everyone else had to hide where they was or move spot to spot.

"I never even stepped foot into Malok until I was lvl 31...

This whiny nuts's gotta stop. Malok area is far from this holy grail of training you all make it out to be. It isn't even that good exp/gold. Just cuz it's secluded and you can't get down there and poppoppoppoppopvis everyone there's a big hissy fit. Maybe you should suggest other class-restricted ares instead of trying to screw up a perfectly good area that has been around for years."

That would be the best Idea but do you really see the current staff going through all the trouble to build diffrent areas for each class? Lol??? Im even pretty sure that that idea was posted long before the malok area got out of hand and staff laughed at it.

"If the area works well for the majority of players, then it is well designed."

Thats just the kinda post I expected to see from gaddy. Never tries to fix anything just tries to justify how everything is perfect and nm is fine the way it is.. So delusional. Funny how when it was the mage class that was the "unbalanced" class things were being added and tested to fix them even though it was one mage that was 4-5 leves higher then everyone else. Who would of thought that something 4-5 levels higher would easily kill someone weaker..... But now that its the thieves nothing is even tested? Oh wait, I guess it was emma who worked and tested the absorb.

#209542 Icebolt

Posted by Ill never tell on 05 September 2008 - 09:16 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Bad timing. But good luck to you =]

#209484 Ballance Classes With Little Effort

Posted by Ill never tell on 03 September 2008 - 09:01 PM in Game Discussion

Thieves don't go through 100% of the armor, and their skill being called Assassinate means to kill without being noticed. Not to just do some damage and be seen.

it goes through 75% which is too much if ur not the one on the thief... and since tony thought of a 'clever' reason why thieves would click everything ingame, this post can be locked.. i mean nuts, he should be staff with a response like that.... my suggestion would to be to delete every character thats not a thief... start with achilles /eyes

Assassinate means kill without being seen really? I guess hitting you with a fireball should catch you on fire. And hitting you with a beam should cause a hole in your body? Or maybe attacking you with a sword should leave open wounds or cut off limbs. Oh, Were talking about a game here my bad.

Why is it that when a class becomes popular and people use it to pk and train to high level its always "unbalanced"? This forum is starting to sound like a broken record.

When people used to complain it was 1 or 2 people who had a 6 stam mage that everyone was whining about because they were killing the characters that were LOWER level then them. Now a lvl 31+ thief can take mages that are 4 levels higher? Atleast when the mages were overpowerd they had the levels on there side. Not only that but im pretty sure mages are harder to train and dont bank near as much gold as thieves do?

#209422 What If?

Posted by Ill never tell on 01 September 2008 - 02:54 AM in Nightmist Development

considering this is a mmorpg there should be areas with thought out story lines.. and since there is someone willing to give there time to do so i dont see why more people arent supporting...

More people arent supporting because there are none?

#209421 Berserkers

Posted by Ill never tell on 01 September 2008 - 02:52 AM in Improvements

/nod hustle(about nerfing thieves).. .but i agree with alec too... not as of now, but at higher levels .... anyways... since

Gaddy said:
"Cruxis' response is just stupid.
There are no characters over level 36.
There is no basis for your evaluation.
I'm not going to explain any further."

how bout make some test crits and stop flaming players? :ph34r:... just an idea ya know...

edit: will this post be deleted? stay tuned to find out

Yes and mine will be too because I quoted it.