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#121808 Gone

Posted by Lady_Maha on 10 July 2005 - 10:30 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Well, those who know you were worried. Get in touch and let us know if you're okay!

#119592 Instructional Video For You

Posted by Lady_Maha on 24 June 2005 - 01:13 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Love it! lol

#119591 Well Here's A Top Example...

Posted by Lady_Maha on 24 June 2005 - 01:03 PM in Game Discussion

I'm glad that for once I can't be accused of starting the trouble, because I know if I had been the one opening my mouth first, I would have been the one "brainwashing and influencing" everyone into believing all this again...

Now that someone else has started a topic on this and I'm merely one of the many posters on it, I have to say that I agree with Gaddy here. What will come next? Giving out unique items for telling Simon where to buy his favorite coffee cheapest?

I'm sorry Crane that I disagree with you here, even admins shouldn't give out advantages on a game like this for personal favors. He could have paid her back with a nice staff comment or some of the candy selection, but not boots of this sort of value.

#117632 Who The Hell...

Posted by Lady_Maha on 07 June 2005 - 05:50 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Did you use them? No
Might other people have wanted them? Yes
Your loss, even though if you restore them you do get your orig names back i do belive

You get the original names back, provided the expired crits were of a higher level than the crit that currently has the name, which will then be turned into "Sausage_Renamed". Otherwise JLH will restore them for you as "Sausage_Restored" for example.

/t Sausage You should be proud! Someone actually loved you so much that they keep your names around and active. ^_^

#117630 Pkers Everywhere!

Posted by Lady_Maha on 07 June 2005 - 05:44 AM in Game Discussion

Another solution would have been to read the FAQ before even installing the game. Doing so would have supplied you with the following info:

Every time I step outside the city, someone kills me!

Oh dear! In this game we believe in 'pk' - player killing. Players can kill other players, but only outside of cities. Sometimes you just have to accept that you will get killed occasionally, or you can use arenas in cities to train safely.

#117299 B-day

Posted by Lady_Maha on 04 June 2005 - 11:06 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Late, as always...

Hope you had a nice birthday (lots of cake and bootie) ^_^

#117293 Pkers Everywhere!

Posted by Lady_Maha on 04 June 2005 - 08:57 AM in Game Discussion

When I started playing there wasn't even a level cap. There's more protection for noobs nowadays than there ever was. If you have trouble, try training in less frequented areas. Yes, the exp may not be as good, but at least you get to keep it. You may also want to consider training in areas with a level cap, that way at least your opponents will be on the same level as you.

If all else fails, there's always the half exp arenas left. ^_^

#117292 Clan Sales

Posted by Lady_Maha on 04 June 2005 - 08:52 AM in Game Discussion

There are a few clans that promise their members not to be sold. If the chairperson quits, the clan is handed over to the next founder in line. Broken is one of them, and as far as I know TR is as well. I am pretty sure the same goes for DH and a few other clans. It's simply a matter of finding and joining one of those clans, and trusting the chairman enough to stick with this policy.

#116852 Happy Birthday

Posted by Lady_Maha on 31 May 2005 - 02:51 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Happy birthday, you sexy founder of mine! ^_^

#116851 Broken

Posted by Lady_Maha on 31 May 2005 - 02:48 PM in Clan Forum

Me too, but it has to be apple!

#116706 Land Route To Resthaven/blackthorn?

Posted by Lady_Maha on 30 May 2005 - 05:56 AM in Nightmist Development

I like the idea, however, if you piece together the maps, you will find a slight problem with the world map.

I took the time to layer Nightmist, Sewers1 and Resthaven over top of each other and noticed that Resthaven's Champion Avenue would pretty much cross the small path south of Nightmist, so Resthaven's sewer entrance would be right in the beginning of the Forest of Souls.

Certainly we could just ignore that and slap in an overground connection aiming in the general direction, but it would lose out on realism there. I would go as far as adjusting the sewer route, but I know that idea won't fly with most of NM.

#116588 Crits That Aren't Crits

Posted by Lady_Maha on 28 May 2005 - 06:26 PM in Suggestions

I find it rather funny how I'm not even a pker, on the contrary, yet I would support getting rid of the lvl caps completely. When I started out, there were none, and we all managed to cope with getting pked by archmasters and still built up what we have.

If getting rid of the lvl cap is not an option, then surely the second suggestion dognapot made is. You should be as vulnerable as the party you are in.

#116585 Founder Chat...

Posted by Lady_Maha on 28 May 2005 - 06:15 PM in Suggestions

Meh, I wouldn't care either way, seeing as I am one of the people constantly confusing all kinds of chat, so change it, add more, I'll chat on random channels, hoping I grab the right one occasionally. ^_^

#116533 Clan Allies

Posted by Lady_Maha on 28 May 2005 - 08:02 AM in Suggestions

I don't think it's really unnecessary. The way alliances are set up right now, it's mainly reduced to not being able to pk each other. Unless you add all founders/leaders of allied clans to your friend list, you can't communicate and plan things together. An actual alliance should be more than that, helping each other out in battles, doing trips together etc, and some kind of ally chat would be a way to communicate to achieve those things.

#116494 Clan Allies

Posted by Lady_Maha on 27 May 2005 - 11:01 PM in Suggestions

I supported the idea back then, and I do still now, as long as you can toggle it.

#116458 B To The A To The C To The K

Posted by Lady_Maha on 27 May 2005 - 07:44 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Woot, my son has returned! Welcome back, son. ^_^ :P

#116260 Üñþrêdíçtêd Rêtríbútíøñ

Posted by Lady_Maha on 26 May 2005 - 01:50 PM in Clan Forum

Can't speak for the others, but my crit is guaranteed to be steal/rip off free.

#115620 Rolling

Posted by Lady_Maha on 22 May 2005 - 07:07 PM in Game Discussion

It was suggested before, and personally I agree. Don't remember the reason it was shot down.

#115545 Happy Birthday Shawn!

Posted by Lady_Maha on 22 May 2005 - 08:21 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Not like I don't want to talk to you anymore in rl, but I think with all our extended birthdays recently it's easy for your friends here to miss that you have a real one.

Happy birthday! I still love you, even if I don't show it a lot, and being 30 won't be that bad, trust me. ^_^

#115431 Rolling

Posted by Lady_Maha on 21 May 2005 - 11:27 AM in Game Discussion

Good, since JLH gets alerts for suspicious rolling activities...mwahahahaha... so unless the roller stops at random intervals and then starts again, chances are someone is getting banned for using it.

#115425 Meteor Strike...

Posted by Lady_Maha on 21 May 2005 - 09:24 AM in Off-Topic Polls

It will be on St. Patrick's Day at 20:34. All the Irish will be drunk by then and realize that they are one of the few countries that never attempted world domination. They will seize all the nuclear weapons by enlisting all the people of Irish descend all over the world (there's a load of them, I tell ya, they spread like roaches) and blow us all into oblivion.

#115407 I Think Im High

Posted by Lady_Maha on 21 May 2005 - 06:53 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Done reading, got your yahoo. Do you have MSN messenger? If not, install and add Maharet.FOS@gmail.com. I'll write a short note to your yahoo too.

As for me quitting, well, like so many others I tried, I actually gave away everything, just to come back a few months later. So I hope there's a chance you will too. We had our ups and downs, but all in all, you're a good guy. ^_^

#115405 Rolling

Posted by Lady_Maha on 21 May 2005 - 06:42 AM in Game Discussion

you can make an autoroller that totally bypasses the questions all together btw

I am sure that with enough programming skills you can bypass just about every security measure, hence me stating that as soon as a new auto roller is discovered, JLH will probably add yet another feature. It's a constant game of delay pretty much.

#115263 Rolling

Posted by Lady_Maha on 20 May 2005 - 11:41 AM in Game Discussion

That's why over time JLH added more and more things to the roller, because people managed to make auto rollers anyway. It actually did start with regular math questions (only addition and subtraction, if I remember correctly, actually using the + and - sign). Later on it was changed to the words it has now, along with multiplication added. Another security feature is the shifting position of the rolled stats now. But I'm sure as soon as the next auto roller is disovered we will have another nice new feature on our roller. I wonder what JLH will come up with next.

#115105 Come On Ppl

Posted by Lady_Maha on 19 May 2005 - 02:35 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

When the front page is already bursting with spelling errors, I don't know if I want to join, plus it's not giving any info about the game whatsoever, the FAQ is a page cannot be displayed.

More info and running the entry page through a spell checker may get more people interested in it.