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There have been 98 items by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw (Search limited from 27-July 23)

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#120246 Well Here's A Top Example...

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 29 June 2005 - 07:19 AM in Game Discussion

You Preach It Brother ^_^

#120256 Well Here's A Top Example...

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 29 June 2005 - 08:00 AM in Game Discussion

Sharing won't be such a problem due to real cash being involved. And any other kind of theft usally is delt with when its not at the account level.

#120267 Well Here's A Top Example...

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 29 June 2005 - 09:58 AM in Game Discussion

Hmm, maybe your right, but if so... i'd say the staff should bother less w/ the typical type of stupidity account theft...

#115713 Best Player In All Nightmist Is?

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 23 May 2005 - 08:32 AM in Game Discussion

The one with the most stuff, and the smallest ego, which is none of them

#118211 A Curious Choice

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 11 June 2005 - 07:52 PM in Game Discussion

Prophet yes i understand, your not seeing the whole picture. If staff are not busy w/ nm2 they can clean up regular nm, have more time to add more areas and weapons to regular nm, and so on.

#118279 A Curious Choice

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 12 June 2005 - 06:24 AM in Game Discussion

I heard tons of people say the 3rd choice is winning lmao??? take a look at the pole?

#118617 A Curious Choice

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 15 June 2005 - 05:48 AM in Game Discussion

How can you state for sure that no one will play? Thier are many old player that quit playing this game because of the current condition that are just waiting to play nm2. Tbh... as others have said its 5-10 bucks a month, i can go around the house and get pop bottles and make that much money. How ever most people won't(most being the people who make the game the way it is) which is a good thing. Also 1 alt will drive away the person who has 20 alts on at a time thats out to pk.

Anyways a lot of people will play. ^_^

#118204 A Curious Choice

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 11 June 2005 - 06:52 PM in Game Discussion

#1 for me plz!!! ^_^

If we buckled down of ANY kind of theft, the staff develped and made new areas items ect... then it nm would be far worth looking forward 2. Even maybe a restet.

On another note, even w/ a reset, its just as much the players resposibility to make the game better as the staffs. We need to have better attitudes and submit more item/place ideas. Maybe even a new race or class or 2 ^.^.

Shotgun/Cody In-Game

#118181 A Curious Choice

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 11 June 2005 - 05:54 PM in Game Discussion

If we could clean up reg nm, and start develpement on it again, i'd rather have it than nm2.

#118519 Bac

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 14 June 2005 - 07:20 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

lmao your the only one who is making that way ^_^

#118510 Bac

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 14 June 2005 - 05:39 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

josh you should get on the game and talk to me and niq!!!!!

#116905 Bac

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 01 June 2005 - 01:08 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Thats right cuz i pwn niq ^_^ . Anyways, hit us up in game

#119574 Rolling

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 24 June 2005 - 08:57 AM in Game Discussion

In whos favor? how do they pick? and then every time they decide jlh codes it in... come on now i'm a complete fool and even i can't bring myself to say its rigged.

#108635 Message From Newb

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 01 April 2005 - 02:27 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Newb i added you to my msn i'd like to share a convo or two with you about that kind of thing.

#108533 Nightmist Tools

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 31 March 2005 - 02:50 PM in Game Discussion

Do us all a favor and put on the start up screen, DO NOT SHARE

#117645 Pkers Everywhere!

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 07 June 2005 - 08:48 AM in Game Discussion

You jumped me you bugger! On the second floor of the zeum :P, (I need a spy glass). Neways just gotta suck it up and get back out there also, i'll go to rg get pwnt, then maze get pwnt, then by the time i go to zeum i'm good for a hr or 2... just try diffrent spots mix it up. THEY CAN'T BE EVERYWHERE AT ONCE.... well maybe gaddy hes a tricky one.... but maybe i give him to much credit... maybe ^_^

#117174 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 02 June 2005 - 11:12 PM in Clan Forum

Yep Yep, Good Stuff!

#117484 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 05 June 2005 - 10:30 PM in Clan Forum

Just had a new addition to the clan. Barbhor_heal/Nate. Welcome ^.^.

The Evil Legion, ranked 7, with score 2476, consists of 594 members and 24 rooms:

#118342 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 12 June 2005 - 08:52 PM in Clan Forum

heh, some of us more than others ^_^

#117920 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 09 June 2005 - 01:51 PM in Clan Forum

^_^ ... kinda way off but okay :P

i have arches & i make gold

#117863 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 09 June 2005 - 02:15 AM in Clan Forum

Love you too tony ^_^

#117818 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 08 June 2005 - 08:37 PM in Clan Forum

And some of us arn't even nubs ^_^

#117736 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 08 June 2005 - 02:16 AM in Clan Forum

The Evil Legion, ranked 7, with score 2640, consists of 659 members and 24 rooms:

I love this clan ^.^

#117856 The Legion

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 09 June 2005 - 02:02 AM in Clan Forum

Yes, most of us are "nubs", and are easy to pk. Yes most of us are "nubs", and need help some times. Yes, most of us are "nubs", and don't have an unlimited number of arches to log on. Yes, most of us are "nubs", and we have more spirit than most clans ever will. Yes, most of us are "nubs", and don't cheat & steal. Yes, most of us are "nubs", and don't treat others like crap even if we get treated that way.

My point, Anybody can kill some one on this game, big deal. Almost anyone can get gold/arches, big deal. What 90% of nightmist clans don't have is heart, honesty, and pride, we do. Say what you will, Pk us over and over, but yet all things considered, i think we come out on top because we have some thing that nobody else does, and all you "haters" have is a far over sized ego.

#118636 How Many Arches Do You Have?

Posted by Gèñúíñê Õút£ãw on 15 June 2005 - 11:01 AM in Game Discussion

2 Arch Dwarf Zerks
1 Arch Elf Cleric
1 Arch Dwarf Fighter

Also have 2 rangers will arch soon here