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There have been 5 items by Lightning (Search limited from 04-July 23)

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#197462 6 Stat On 1 Alt Server (also 5 Stats)

Posted by Lightning on 02 November 2007 - 01:37 PM in Wanted

As topic says, basically looking for a 6stat on the 1 alt server - not too fussed on race but would prefer Elf or Gnome.

Basically if you have one, Ill take it so can best option is to email darkkev86@gmail.com, or memo Quark on multi server.

**Also looking for 5stats on the 1 alt server- all races and classes (ideally level 1) but can only pay using multi alt stuff - will pay nicely though**


#197587 6 Stat On 1 Alt Server (also 5 Stats)

Posted by Lightning on 05 November 2007 - 11:59 AM in Wanted

Rawr ;) Easy tiger :ph34r: <3

#197706 6 Stat On 1 Alt Server (also 5 Stats)

Posted by Lightning on 07 November 2007 - 10:15 AM in Wanted

<3 Alan - I thought we could do teh inactiveness together this time =] <3

#201976 How You Came To Know About Nm?

Posted by Lightning on 02 March 2008 - 01:29 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

And since that day i've been playing on and off, sharing with people like the legendary Kevin Collins, Billy the Aussie and jarlewan <3

phear! gosh!! much love from teh kierz0rs <3<3 makes me feel speshal to see my name in lights :ph34r: ;) lol

#203607 Save Multi

Posted by Lightning on 07 April 2008 - 10:15 AM in Game Discussion

It can at least be seen by my style of play with bosses and when I enter moshes with Everlast. Ask Trev, Everlast wins nearly every time I put him in...now at least. Kev has been gone a while...heh.

<3 lol - Gaddy actually banned my account so he could win ;) j/k :ph34r: Glad you've taken over where I've left off, was always interesting fighting you in the end =]