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There have been 4 items by Nerve (Search limited from 31-July 23)

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#264175 Cobalt Bow

Posted by Nerve on 08 June 2024 - 09:02 PM in Items for Sale

np, i prob will soon. Just been taking a break

#264172 Cobalt Bow

Posted by Nerve on 06 June 2024 - 02:42 PM in Items for Sale

nah, I didn't sell it, no one seemed interested.

#264165 Cobalt Bow

Posted by Nerve on 14 January 2024 - 11:24 PM in Items for Sale

Have one if anyone on main is interested


looking for items/gold, only crits interested in is Maybe clerics


Post here or Page/memo Plague/Eryn

#264159 1A For Main, Wanting Some Rolls Or Higher.

Posted by Nerve on 04 January 2024 - 04:45 PM in Wanted

I don't currently own anything on main right now but I might be interested in some rolls or higher level maybe, don't really want 3 stats tho.. either 4 or 5.


2x Elf - xxpppp (for cleric)


gnome and helf are only races i dont really want either.


most likely looking to do a couple thief partys possibly zerk too


If anyone is interested let me know, might be willing to part with some characters or items/gold depending.



Eryn - main

Varien -1a