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#263880 Send A Memo Via Website

Posted by Gregory67 on 21 October 2022 - 10:30 PM in Technical Support

Hrm I just checked this and it does show the memo.php or memo1a.php so idk if that helps.


Edit: Both pages display the text. 

Send a memo to someone on the multi-alt server


Edit 2: Prolly just the text thats the offending agent not that its the same page.

#263814 Raise Level Cap On Ercule Swamp To Lvl 28

Posted by Gregory67 on 12 July 2022 - 10:58 PM in Improvements

Normally I wouldnt be against raising the level cap on some areas but swamps is one that I dont think can even support higher levels. Can you really train multiple crits to 28 without waiting on spawns on main?

#263525 Erebus Lance

Posted by Gregory67 on 13 February 2022 - 06:25 AM in Comments

Also 18m per hour isnt a lot. I gain roughly 10-12m on my characters per hour when utilizing training weapons without spells. But putting a 2x mod on a bezerker on 100 pod where you always hit and then you make it so all the spells work on that said mob because undead 100 pod is the best exp in game. Just simple observations. Just multiply 1200*100(Prolly on the low end) every 10 seconds you do the math.

#263362 Cobalt Staff Of The Winds Discussion

Posted by Gregory67 on 31 January 2022 - 11:34 PM in Suggestions

just throwing this out there but blood axe and demonic axe being 10% vamp would make your little list of what "YOU" think is best a little wrong already. How can something that is better be ranked lower than weaker weapons? Just wanted clarification.

#263319 The Training Weapons

Posted by Gregory67 on 19 January 2022 - 04:15 AM in Game Discussion

So this post will be incredibly long but details. Apoligies.


Apex Bow Ranger only - bear:1.7(5 Unique)|fox:1.7(3 Uniques)|leopard:1.7(1 Unique)|lion:1.7(3 Unique)|wolf:1.7(3 Unique)  Rated: B


After some review on this a bump on the modifiers from 1.7 to 2.0 wouldn't hurt. It would still be within the same damage range of some other classes that currently have 2x mods such as druid/paladin. 35 Paladin with champs can do 204 with Royal Sword. At 36 with 18 or 19 str I was doing 169 as my high damage I think. Bear/fox/wolf/lion are all great mods with alot of great different options even without a party. Only one or two modifiers for a boss.  From my knowledge only the snow leopard exists and is a below average monster with not alot going for it. Also, limited to a single class. If we could expand on the leopard more I would say all the mods on this exemplify what we want in a training weapon.



Avenger's Crossbow Fighters, paladins, rangers, thieves - bandit:2(3 Unique)|malok:2(1 Unique)|marauder:2(2 Unique)|rogue:2(2 Unique)|thief:2(2 Unique) - Rated: C for Solo, Maybe B for team.


I really wanted to rate this higher but the mods on this weapon are difficult to use on more than thief and ranger. Also, Bandit mod is doubled up on Royal Sword for fighter/paladin which is also 25bd vs 20bd. Only thief can utilize the Malok/Thief mod because of expert and guard thieves. For the solo aspect marauders arent exactly solo able and to buy this just to kill marauders to get a few bleeding hearts seems like a waste of resources in the long run. You can use it on Mine Maurader which is a bonus but not enough to redeem how few monsters use that. Having only two monsters for Rogue which isnt something you would train on is also a difficult notion. In the end this weapon is inflexible which is what lowers the rating on it for me. If we had more options to hit more monsters with the modifiers it could be rated higher.


Ballista Fighter, Paladins, Rangers - giant:2 (17 Unique) | guard:2(3 Unique) | knight:2(4 Unique) | paladin:2(1 Unique) | warrior:2 (4 Unique) Rated: C for solo, S for castle runs in particular


Good for Fighter/Paladin but since rangers cannot Rapid Fire with this weapon and have a higher miss rate/lower damage with normal attacking it is kind of a wash for a ranger. The range of the modifiers is pretty good but mostly is used for Darksparrow Castle runs. I could see an argument to use it on gnoll guards/warriors, Giant Vampire Bats, Giant Sand Wurm and farming black shards from black knights since paladins heal they arent a great solo farming option. It also works on some other mobs like Dungeon Guard, Teptok Warrior, Drow Warrior, Skeletal Warrior, Goblin Warrior but alot of these are difficult to train on solo or dont really yield enough of a reward vs the risk. Then you have monsters like Crystal Giant/Guard Spider that require a Magical Weapon or you get reduced damage. Giant Mod has alot of unique monsters but many of these are either bosses, monster that require magical weapon, or really low level content. 


Diamondedge Thief Only - beetle:2(2 Unique) | crab:2(1 Unique) | dragon:2 (3 Unique) | scarab:2 (2 Unique) | spider:2 (9 Unique) Rated: D


This weapon seems good for some of the area for solo but the lack of variety and not being magical means it will do lesser damage to all dragons/guard spider. Viable monsters are limited to Mutant Beetle, Scarab, Mutant Crab, Elite Sentry Spider, Wolf Spider and Sand Spider(3-5 rounds?). Non viable monsters Albino Beetle(Poisons), Skeletal Scarab(spawns from ibis statue), and Guard spider(Low Pod, Low gold, requires magical. Most of the content for thieves is hard if they cannot click it or atleast 2 rounds. Alot of the content they can do with this weapon isnt exactly high pod or high gold.


Erebus Lancedemon:2|shadow:2|torture:2|wight:2|wraith:2 Rated A

Overall plentiful of solo and team opportunities. I rated this an A because I feel thief should be added to this since you have all classes except thief. I understand not seeing a thief use this weapon but as a pure accessibility I think thief should be added.


Orcsbaneettin:2|goblin:2|ogre:2|orc:2|troll:2 Rated B

The Race mods that have bosses and good easy to kill monsters are great. Lower Rated due to lack of accessible solo medium to high pod content. Orcs/trolls/ogres are all lower pod and then you have goblin being inaccessible since you would have to go kill faravar goblins which hit incredibly hard. Ettin seems okay but if I remember correctly they have a bit of armor, gold was reduced, easy to drag so hit and run is tough with all the other monsters and hit rather rapidly.


Moonsilver Staveskeleton:2|skeletal:2|spirit:2|vampire:2|wolf:2 Rated E

Rated Lowely due to the fact that we are wasting 2 modifiers for very limited content. Skeleton/skeletal could be shortened to skelet. Then Skelet is only subpar for the regular attacking classes due to the high armor on the Skeletal Wight. This weapon is decent on skeleton, Skeletal Warrior and scarab skeleton but none of this content is anything to write home about. Spirit is also not really a viable training option. Vampire you really only get Bats or Masoleum which is littered with a ton of other mobs no safe squares hard to hnr the tough mobs in there. You have winged Vampire but it has higher armor and really isnt a selling point for this weapon. So the end of my rating is you can kill tundra wolf or vampire bats. Either changing the monsters this affects or adding more monsters with the same names to make this have more variety would make it more valuable.


Royal Swordbandit:2|dragon:2|drow:2|dungeon:2|teptok:2 Rated: S

Great easy mobs medium content. Race mods seem to be better than class mods since this has so much utility for some of the harder content which makes fighter/paladin more viable options. Viable for all bandits, dragons, most of dungeons and most of kunal runs and drow blade mage. Very broad content that this weapon can hit.


Sarin Tridentbee:2|beetle:2|hornet:2|scorpion:2|spider:2 Rated: C

Mostly use this for Desert training. This was really nice to train on Mutant Beetles but with Ho Ho Hoe also affecting Cinder Beasts I find myself using that instead even for less BD.  Mostly because Bronze/Titan Hornets hit hard and poison so not having vamp is tough to mitigate the guaranteed damage. Scorpions are super sticky so its hard solo hnr train on them. Also, as you pointed out to me earlier Bee and Beetle are basically doing the same thing so we could leave bee remove beetle and add another mob to make this more versitile.


Shepherd's Crookcrystal:2|elemental:2|golem:2|granite:2|statue:2 Rated: C

Works well on CG since weapon is magical. Great on elemental but lacking on other mobs due to the high difficulty areas. So you really could only use this solo on Elementals which you need several keys to access and Granite Beasts which are low pod and not a great option to train on for several 100 millions of exp. Abandoned Golem, Clay Golem, Coal Golem, ibis statue, anubis statue. Really just not very versatile and requires you to live on 1 or 2 monsters. 




Most of these weapons could be easy improved by either changing alot of monsters to have an afix in front of the name and targeting that so the weapons are more versatile. I find the weapons that are lacking are very at one thing or two things but the weapons that excell are broad and cover area and not just 1 or 2 monsters. Example could be you could change Blackweald monsters to reflect the name in the name and just put blackweald in the weapon. So change Blackweald Wolf Spider, Blackweald Wight, Blackweald Shadow Wraith ETC.. Just some ideas. I may touch base on some of the other Modified weapons later or an idea to maybe migrate some newer ones in to cover more of the monsters that are major leveling item droppers. I got lazier toward the end of this so I could be missing a few things.

#263281 Merry Christmas

Posted by Gregory67 on 25 December 2021 - 02:49 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I hope everyone has a fun filled Christmas this year! :)

#263276 Mage Gear Questions?

Posted by Gregory67 on 22 December 2021 - 01:18 AM in Suggestions

Just curious if we could get a craft that combines the bonus of Archmage's Mantle which gives 32 ac and the black robes which gives 25 ac and 1 int. For an item that is both 32 ac and 1 int? Could call it dragon robes or something?

#263274 Magic Resist Lowered? Please?

Posted by Gregory67 on 19 December 2021 - 10:04 PM in Suggestions

Another continuity error. Cockroach has higher wisdom than the mini boss Giant Cockroach. So I would ask to have the cockroach wisdom put more in line with the giant rat/mutant rat. Just an idea.

#263264 Updating What Can Be Turned In For Jewels

Posted by Gregory67 on 13 December 2021 - 11:43 PM in Improvements

You gave a Cursed Obsidian Altar: Sabretooth Tiger Head.
A Cursed Obsidian Altar gave you: Sabretooth Tiger Head.

#263263 Magic Resist Lowered? Please?

Posted by Gregory67 on 13 December 2021 - 11:38 PM in Suggestions

Curious if it would be possible to lower the wisdom that the Sabretooth Tiger has. I hit on my mage for less than some of the more well known magic resistant mobs. Just a thought to add another mage training mob. Thanks for any feedback.

#263262 Thief End Game Weapon

Posted by Gregory67 on 11 December 2021 - 12:26 AM in Suggestions

hmm correct me if I am way out in the left field but haven't we been waiting for it to be reverted for something upward of 3-5 years? I honestly cannot remember when I first heard of it being reverted. I just feel like it wont happen and JLH might never open Nightmist to make the change to thief and your many other changes you have submitted. So, this is my response for giving up hope on getting any updates. However if you know something I don't I am all ears.

#263260 Thief End Game Weapon

Posted by Gregory67 on 07 December 2021 - 01:44 AM in Suggestions

So the idea is to come up with a weapon that is similiar in design to both Dragon's Breath or Dragonclaw Scythe.


I came up with a rough draft of a Dual Shade Blades/Daggers which would have a sentient life form which lives within due to some neat new technologies that some NPC developed. The Life form would allow the weapons to help the user to nearly adapt to any situation or fight.


Some of the crafting components could be random venoms, shadowstone, crystal shards, boss drops including some thief centralized items, some boiling blood, etc...


The idea with this weapon would be to have something that can compete with fighter/druid/zerk/ranger end game but not be super over powered so maybe it would have a very large table with higher modifiers so it can be on a level that isnt said that atleast you didnt bring a thief. Here is my suggestion we could make the mods 2-3x depending on the content and if and when thieves get returned to there previous setting we could rebalance this weapon instead of rebalancing a dozen other weapons.


This would also bring thieves back into the picture while making them enjoyable to train or play. I am sure there are problems with this idea/design however I am open to suggestions on how we could make something like happen.


Please leave feedback. :)



#263259 Whats On My Mind Today. Crystal Caves

Posted by Gregory67 on 04 December 2021 - 10:47 PM in Improvements

Another alternative change I would like would be have a another floor or a small opening in the crystal caves that opens up to a larger room and move CG to it so that you can come and go from the crystal caves. Then the little alcove for a mage to VG in and out would not be necessary. Just food for thought.

#263257 Harabec Dungeons

Posted by Gregory67 on 03 December 2021 - 03:24 AM in Improvements

Looking for a semi rebalance in some mobs and pod and some other ideas. 


#1. Teptok has a lower POD than his minions on the way to him. I think he should be upped to 90 pod same with the other 3 mini bosses in dungeons.


#2. If possible could we add some empty squares to the dome of teptok to have a good viable training ground for fighter/pally.


#3. Could we re-evaluate the armor of the mobs in the teptok area for a good training option for Paladins and Fighters? As it currently stands the Teptok loyalists are wonderful pod but the armor on then seems pretty hard for an area that is hard to access and get to. Teptok Warriors lookover makes it seem like they are pain loving lunatics with no armor so I would propose a 0 armor rating on them and maybe a 1-2 armor rating on the Loyalists.


#4 I saw on Main steel shard drops from the loyalist or the warrior(I dont remember really). I would be really cool if that could be mimic'd on 1alt to allow for another spot to farm steel shards as the only currently location is 4th floor in museums.


#5 Have the Mini-bosses hp reduced by 25-30% it would make the trip feel a bit more smoothin in the end. Possibly make the 3 mini bosses spawn nearly every hour so have a high % chance at the 10 min spawn timer?


Just a few thoughts to think about. Please leave some feedback if this is viable or not.

#263256 Adding Youk/lartu Near The Gm Alt Leveling Guild Shops

Posted by Gregory67 on 03 December 2021 - 03:18 AM in Suggestions

Its in the topic but the idea is to add some convenience so we can get away from using site so much. It would easier and faster to transport 14 tokens vs 140 items. Just an idea give me some feed back if this would viable.

#263252 Porting Over A Craft From Main - Speckled Band

Posted by Gregory67 on 28 November 2021 - 09:39 PM in Improvements

Speckled Band


Drotar is located in the Guild of Crafters


You also need Black Leathery Wings to access the NPC.


I really believe that this might put some extra life into Crystal Giant or maybe not but it would be nice to have another 4ac ring craft available to us. Just an idea. Let me know your thoughts on this addition as well. We could also just reskin this and choose a different NPC.

#263251 Updating What Can Be Turned In For Jewels

Posted by Gregory67 on 28 November 2021 - 12:12 AM in Improvements

I know I cannot turn in Nimbus Wraps for jewels at the altar. I am sure there are other things that you cannot turn in but I have no clue about those. If you have some items that cannot be turned in please post so we could get those updated in game if staff would be so kind.

#263250 Whats On My Mind Today. Crystal Caves

Posted by Gregory67 on 28 November 2021 - 12:05 AM in Improvements



Crystal Caves: making it so mage could kill magimox or farm for crystal shards in a more direct manner vs killing Magician Bandit for brilliant shards at a low drop rate.


Proposed changes: make it so magic resist is low enough to hit 100 with beam(Need to confirm what it currently is) and lower the hp on Magimox so you could 1-2 beam them this would also speed up the farm on something that seems really hard. Number 2: I would propose some way a mage could 100% efficient with mana in the caves some how. The idea I was chatting about could be to remove the null from magimox and change it to an Advanced Mana Crystal/Lodestone/Superior Mana Crystal at roughly 10-12%(with higher quality mana you could drop the drop chance) drop chance so you could hoard some so you could go kill the boss in the area as well. Making sure it is reasonable to kill the boss on the mage so maybe slightly less or more damage or same idk just some thoughts there. Then you would also need a way to regen health on a character that has no way to vamp health back so just some thoughts. Could put some mana ponds in there that could heal you and on a druid/ranger you could forage for mana waters. --Number 3: To make mage have something all its own we could add a small alcove near by Crystal Giant that only mage can enter and VG into the crystal caves and then VG out as a mage making a mage only square inside the crystal cave. Number 4 would be to somehow if we could make crystal golems 100% at 1 min or find some other alternative that doesnt lead to killing them in a wave and waiting for a 10 min spawn timer to roll around to resume shard hunting or killing the boss.


Also: I wouldn't be opposed to asking for a port of Genevieve over to our server either.

Another Also: Maximizing the number of mobs per square to 4 vs 5 might also help in maximizing shard farming.


Just looking for other thoughts regarding this topic.

#263247 Kashtil Keys

Posted by Gregory67 on 22 November 2021 - 04:17 AM in Wanted

Got a number on how many keys you are after?

#263195 Halloween Event Drops

Posted by Gregory67 on 07 November 2021 - 09:17 PM in Wanted

Might be interested in...


Bone Skewer

Ring of thieves

Wooden Stake


Gauntlets of ashkew

Carapace Bracers


Memo me in game on nighthawk or page me. Thanks in advance for the trades.