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There have been 104 items by Yggdrasill (Search limited from 30-July 23)

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#233653 Who's Been Here Since...

Posted by Yggdrasill on 14 July 2010 - 03:50 AM in Off-Topic Polls

Pre-reset yo. Was TheStranger and the original Samus when the new Nightmist was born, shared with Pippin.

#234356 Who's Been Here Since...

Posted by Yggdrasill on 01 September 2010 - 12:50 AM in Off-Topic Polls

Geologist (required a key to go down into his hole) dropped the Precise Crystal Shield. Harlequin did indeed drop the Harlequin('s) Mask and had a quite fun maze/riddle that you had to traverse before you getting to the boss fight.

Edit: I also remember something about the Blade of Honor being worth 100k+ back then possibly from a shop. I remember Ste getting it the first week that the "new" server was up and everyone freaking out (was bought in Arilin for 1k).

#234905 Who's Been Here Since...

Posted by Yggdrasill on 16 October 2010 - 02:43 AM in Off-Topic Polls

Anyone have any of the original music files from the old NM? Broken Arm Tavern got one of the oldies back but there was some music in Cloud City and such that are long lost memories of mine. Would be awesome to get them back!

#230502 Post Your Rangers Hp

Posted by Yggdrasill on 26 March 2010 - 09:52 PM in Ranger Class Discussion

lol @ bragging on a thread that has clearly been dead for over 4 years. ggnub :P

#230075 Alec For Event Staff

Posted by Yggdrasill on 10 March 2010 - 01:00 AM in Game Discussion

Alec is definately NOT supported.... I have nothing against Alec personally but i think staff should be someone not so involved with nightmist drama...He is too emotionally involved with the game to not be biased... Here is my nomination and it is based off of general knowledge and the fact that he is not biased....Inglastex (Pete) is very smart and is an old school nm player, I think he actually was staffer for another game but i dont actually know.

If that's a serious nomination (and someone is actually going to be hired, which I doubt), I'd be happy to at least "interview" for it. I strive to be logical over most other things and I'd love to show everyone that there doesn't have to be any such thing as "staff favoritism". Back in the day, no one even mentioned it with staff like Cyric around…he's my staff hero by the way.

Anyway, I've not been a staff member of any other game, but way back when Ste (the one with the Rune Blade) was staff though I can't remember his staff name at the moment, we were interviewed (submitted relatively realistic applications and all), and then somewhat prepped on staff activity and commands for designing areas. Somewhere along the way JLH decided that there wasn't a need for new staff at that time and the ground fell out from under all of us. This was all something like 8 years ago, so I'm sure the specifics have been forgotten even by me.

So once again, if current staff (or JLH for that matter) want to follow up on it, I'd be happy to interview. Otherwise my nomination goes to not making more nominations (for yourself or others) until JLH says he wants more/new staff.

#234603 Please Read

Posted by Yggdrasill on 23 September 2010 - 02:20 AM in Game Discussion

I don't want to give away information that Abstract doesn't want me to (I'm assuming if he wanted the specific ad's info available he'd have given it) but I can say that the above link is not the ad that prompted this investigation and that there are much more recent projects than that.

#234639 Please Read

Posted by Yggdrasill on 25 September 2010 - 06:25 PM in Game Discussion

I think sewing lessons for staff should be mandatory.

#230365 Fixing The /toggle Who

Posted by Yggdrasill on 19 March 2010 - 11:20 PM in Improvements

Ok Maarten...we all know you're the one that programs NM...you can stop this farce anytime and get to WORK!

<3 <3

#231306 Windows 7, 1920x1080

Posted by Yggdrasill on 09 April 2010 - 11:01 PM in Technical Support

It's a problem with everything on Nightmist that has a background. Log-in screen, account manager, skins, roller, everything is screwed up. It's not THAT big of a deal as they all function properly, just annoying really.

Anyway, indeed I know it is uncommon. For whatever reason, that's the native (and maximum) resolution for the newer Dell laptops (resolutions on laptop are basically pre-set as changing them makes things look very strange for various hardware reasons). I was just wondering if there's a simple fix or not. I tried telling Nightmist to run at different resolutions, but regardless it opens the same as always.

#231571 Windows 7, 1920x1080

Posted by Yggdrasill on 17 April 2010 - 12:30 AM in Technical Support

Interestingly enough, there's been a huge HD movement towards 16:9 (1920 x 1080) for computer monitors too. That way there's a standardized ratio for everyone. I just bought a new HD screen and it too has the same problem as above, but only when played as full screen. Oh well, looks like I just have to deal with it.

#231300 Windows 7, 1920x1080

Posted by Yggdrasill on 09 April 2010 - 09:07 PM in Technical Support

I've been posting this for my girlfriend, so yea. Her laptop is an Dell Studio XPS 1645 running Windows 7 Home Premium with an i7, 6 gigs of RAM, and an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4670 running at 1920x1080. Uninstalled and reinstalled just to be sure. Running as admin makes no difference from standard.

I played around in the Nightmist folder a bit and noticed that her skins are different sizes. But they all fall just short of 800 x 600 pixels (790 x 557 pixels is one and another is 788 x 554) which seems strange to me. Anyone know if this is normal? Other than that I'm out of ideas for the moment.

#231273 Windows 7, 1920x1080

Posted by Yggdrasill on 09 April 2010 - 06:27 AM in Technical Support

Windows 7 with a 1920x1080 resolution (high-end laptop). No idea why things look like this but they certainly do:


#231281 Windows 7, 1920x1080

Posted by Yggdrasill on 09 April 2010 - 08:05 AM in Technical Support

Same actually, should have specified. Very strange.

#231279 Windows 7, 1920x1080

Posted by Yggdrasill on 09 April 2010 - 08:02 AM in Technical Support

^ Operating system?

#230899 Paladin Refitting

Posted by Yggdrasill on 01 April 2010 - 09:55 AM in Paladin Class Discussion

Optimism ftw? :'(

Ok, so paladin fixing without programming = what? Better items?

#231183 Paladin Refitting

Posted by Yggdrasill on 07 April 2010 - 12:04 AM in Paladin Class Discussion

I had things in here with regard to Lay on Hands ("doesn't allow the casting of Lay on Hands") and whatnot, but took it out as no one had any idea what I was referring to :P

#233170 Paladin Refitting

Posted by Yggdrasill on 12 June 2010 - 11:19 AM in Paladin Class Discussion

bump for brokenness...

#230886 Paladin Refitting

Posted by Yggdrasill on 01 April 2010 - 07:42 AM in Paladin Class Discussion

I think auras would be a fun, interesting way to balance and create interest in paladins without making them overpowered. The idea behind auras (as I've ever read/played) is that they take some amount of effort (magic) to create (first use) and maintain (takes some magic every x seconds), but give different benefits to the paladin and/or his/her party. Only one aura can be maintained by a single paladin at any given time. (**No comment at this time as to whether these auras would stack with multiple paladins or which would overwrite another.**) Here are some ideas I had about them:

Aura of Detect Good - Has a greater chance to detect covert/invisible/camouflaged characters not in the paladin's party that have fewer (or equal) PK's than Killed by Player counts.

Aura of Detect Evil - Has a greater chance to detect covert/invisible/camouflaged characters not in the paladin's party that have fewer KbP counts then PK's.

I KNOW someone will say that just because a player has more PK's than deaths by players doesn't mean they are evil. I was just trying to stick with a little bit of the paladin lore. So how's this instead:

Aura of Detection - Has a greater chance to detect covert/invisible/camouflaged characters not in the paladin's party.

Aura of Divine Grace - This one could have a couple different interpretations of past D&D games. It could increase resistance to poison, block a small amount of damage (physical and/or magical), or maybe even increase the player's chance to dodge attacks. I don't feel that any of these would be unbalanced as long as the numbers are kept relatively small.

Aura of Prayer - Increase the amount of hp that is restored periodically by x. Could be a small amount and still be nice when no other auras are appropriate as long as mana upkeeps are kept low also.

Aura of Meditation - Increase the amount of magic that is restored periodically by x. (This costs no magic if that even needs to be pointed out.)

Greater Aura of Defiance - Gives the paladin +x% increased armor at the cost of the magic needed to sustain a greater aura such as this.

Greater Aura of Invigoration - This greater aura allows the paladin to sacrifice his/her magic points (costs magic) for greater healing powers.

These auras are ideas, and therefore don't have formal descriptions or stats. I want to incite creativity in others, not flat out tell staff what they should do. Anyway, as you can see, some of these auras are "greater auras". This means that they only affect the paladin and not the party members of the paladin. Maybe staff/players will decide that no auras should affect other players, I don't know, it's not up to me nor do I think I know which would be best for Nightmist.

On a side note, another spell that has always been a paladin favorite of mine is "Holy Shield" which simply increases the armor value of an equipped shield either by a flat rate or by a % of the value on the shield. I'm partial to % as they scale with better equipment but that's just me. So:

Holy Shield - Costs x magic points and lasts for 5 minutes? giving the paladin's shield +y% ac.

I received a suggestion to make a single balanced offensive aura. So here goes:

Greater Aura of the Fallen - Slightly increases hit rate and damage done by melee attacks but halves the amount of health the paladin receives from heals. (This includes healing potions.) I would suggest putting a high initial magic cost on this to avoid people switching back and forth for heals.

Another idea I had is making the Aura of Detection (or both of the evil/good ones) into a greater aura and only allowing the paladin himself/herself to see through the invisibility. So to explain, someone that is covert/invis/camo'ed walks onto a square where a paladin is using this aura, and only the paladin has a chance to see through that invisibility. No one else on the square can see this invisible person, and only if the paladin attacks the invisible person is he knocked out of invisibility. This is the only way for a paladin to detect a player. If the paladin runs onto the square where someone is sitting invisible, the paladin will have a 0% chance to detect them, just like anyone else that walks onto the square. This is the only ability listed that I think may be overpowering, so I’m open to comments about how to fix it.

I want to emphasize that this detection aura is a defensive ability. The paladin should not be able to put the aura up and go hunting invis people, but it might give a chance to save an entire party if the paladin is smart, quick, and lucky.

This is a repost from forever ago now that people might start caring? Anyway, if anyone feels like making the comment that I’m doing this to make the class I play most OP I’d be more than willing to delete my paladin if staff are willing to implement something like this.

Please don't flame, just post what is good and/or bad about each of these and why you think it should or should not be balanced and then implemented. Once we establish which ones are terrible or add in a few new ones, we'll think about descriptions and balancing issues. You can't have just a couple auras; you need a whole group or none. Otherwise they turn into a flat buff and that's boring imo. Make sure to differentiate between 1-alt and multi balancing and post away!

#233524 Website Security Risk

Posted by Yggdrasill on 06 July 2010 - 03:51 AM in Technical Support

Ticket from me to JLH...

Me: When using the site to class change a character, it asks for the name of the character and the account password and you click Next button. The new page loads and your character name and password are both displayed in plain text in the URL. Can't believe I never noticed this in the 8ish years I've been changing characters.

Oracle: Marking for JLH to review as he's the only one that can change code based things like that.

JLH: you are correct, that's how i did it many many years ago - there is no problems with this (unless someone is reading your internet history or watching your screen).
i guess it wouldn't hurt if i encoded it.

This is from quite a while back but there you have it.

#233168 Birr With Regrets About The Past

Posted by Yggdrasill on 12 June 2010 - 11:16 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

^ implies it was ever funny...

Fail btw.

#234476 Funky 1alt Triplex.

Posted by Yggdrasill on 12 September 2010 - 09:59 PM in Event Logs

Nice, thanks Jase! Awesome to see some events! Keep 'em coming!

#234942 Museum

Posted by Yggdrasill on 18 October 2010 - 12:32 AM in Game Discussion

Yea, Peacemaker missed the point entirely. Re-read and try again.

#234929 Museum

Posted by Yggdrasill on 17 October 2010 - 05:19 PM in Game Discussion

I love leaving lvl 20 druid checkers on every floor so I know where to go to PK people easily too. (/sarcasm)

#234911 Nightmist Voicechat

Posted by Yggdrasill on 16 October 2010 - 08:10 AM in Technical Support

Not sure if anyone that knows, would tell me...but what voice chat library does Nightmist use? Just wondering; I've done a fair amount of SIP voice chat programming lately for pretty much no reason.

#234910 Voice Chat

Posted by Yggdrasill on 16 October 2010 - 08:07 AM in Technical Support

Not sure if anyone that would tell, will tell me...but what voice chat library does Nightmist use? Just wondering as I've done a fair amount of SIP voice chat programming lately.