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There have been 104 items by Yggdrasill (Search limited from 11-July 23)

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#235123 1a 34 Paladin

Posted by Yggdrasill on 30 October 2010 - 01:51 AM in Characters for Sale

Turned down an offer of 2mil. "Blah blah you're crazy". Hate less and bid more.

#235115 1a 34 Paladin

Posted by Yggdrasill on 29 October 2010 - 08:30 PM in Characters for Sale

Adding that I'd like a dex/str amulet as well as sgs and maybe 4ac rings. Values at 900k for either/each amulet, 50k on the sgs, and 400k on the rings.

Will look at slightly lower bids than the 3.5m min.

#235113 1alt Crafting Lvling System

Posted by Yggdrasill on 29 October 2010 - 07:38 PM in Suggestions

As far as I've seen, no one ever said anything about leafing the *inside* of the box. I had to read that a few times just to get it through my head that you were talking about leafing the inside...that just seems weird to me.

But anyway, back in the day it was always pairs of staff members. Two-man teams for everything. I thought it was a pretty great concept...Xtreme Staffing for those who are hip with the business world lingo. Two people, working together on the same problem...doesn't always cut the time in half, but I'd bet it does most of the time.

Anyway, good thread, was fun.

#235101 Lvl 29+ Ranger

Posted by Yggdrasill on 29 October 2010 - 09:04 AM in Wanted

Race/Class: Male Halfling Archmaster Class I Hunter. Str: 18, Int: 19, Dex: 21, Con: 18, Wis: 18, Chr: 18, Lev: 31, Exp: 418,022,080, HP: 307, MP: 0, Stm: 6.
This character has been a level 31 Ranger, with 307 HP. 65% exp.

* looks strong, wise, extremely fast, and sexy. In one hand he holds an Elven Long Bow, the other a Spiked Shield. He is wearing a Sand Wurm Hide, and a Helm of Triumph protects his head.

On your offer. No crits. Dex amy, 4ac rings, whispering mocs, and sgs are the only items.

Will probably only part with it for quite a bit.

#235098 1alt Crafting Lvling System

Posted by Yggdrasill on 29 October 2010 - 05:26 AM in Suggestions

Well firstly. The Colossal Ant is a magically enhanced soldier ant. It is half the size of a horse and is clicking its pincers in a threatening way.

I find it a little bit (/sarcasm) hard to believe that a lvl 1 gnome with 6 strength can carry 14 bags filled with 8 of these ant faces regardless of the feasible proportions to "half the size of a horse" you come up with.

So now, adding gold filament to, once again, a magical box, with magical things in it is *too* "fantastic" for the genre. My humble opinion is that if some recipe is *too* hard to figure out then it is lacking the proper clues. And somehow I don't think that putting things in a metal box *before* you add some gold to it is *too* hard too figure out.

On a completely separate note, I'm completely fine with and actually for staff adding some recipes that *do* make sense but have no clues. Nightmist is definitely lacking secrets lately. Though we have a few that *no one* I know of has figured out AND I'M NOT TELLING. :P

Again, /love maarten for the system regardless of any inconsistencies or any bad talking that could *ever* happen.

Edit: Actually after looking up what "gold-leafing" entails there's no doubt that adding a gold-leaf to a box full of anything imaginable wouldn't be a problem. So yea, realism ftl.

#235093 1alt Crafting Lvling System

Posted by Yggdrasill on 29 October 2010 - 01:36 AM in Suggestions

So when you put these magical bags that fit Colossal Ant Pincers in this magical box that fits all six bags you can't magically coat the crate in gold? :P

/love Maarten

Somehow I think this is more of a nice game mechanic thing than a make total sense thing. The only thing that makes sense about Nightmist is that most things in Nightmist don't make sense.

#235089 1alt Crafting Lvling System

Posted by Yggdrasill on 29 October 2010 - 12:01 AM in Suggestions

Obviously by adding the gold ingot to the crate you are increasing the size of the crate to allow those 7 bags full of bear hides to fit in there. A normal metal crate just doesn't have the volume required to hold all 7 bags!


Great insight Cole, I approve.

#235076 Spider Gaunts 1a

Posted by Yggdrasill on 28 October 2010 - 04:09 AM in Wanted

Sick of moving them around from crit to crit. Going to just buy a bunch of them. Gimme.

#234978 New Staff Member!

Posted by Yggdrasill on 19 October 2010 - 06:05 PM in Game Discussion

Congrats mystery person! Maybe those 3 emails a week to JLH finally paid off and maybe....just maybe....we won't have to continue killing vampires with our favorite cuts of beef! :P

*And hopes were high in the realm once again.*

#234942 Museum

Posted by Yggdrasill on 18 October 2010 - 12:32 AM in Game Discussion

Yea, Peacemaker missed the point entirely. Re-read and try again.

#234929 Museum

Posted by Yggdrasill on 17 October 2010 - 05:19 PM in Game Discussion

I love leaving lvl 20 druid checkers on every floor so I know where to go to PK people easily too. (/sarcasm)

#234911 Nightmist Voicechat

Posted by Yggdrasill on 16 October 2010 - 08:10 AM in Technical Support

Not sure if anyone that knows, would tell me...but what voice chat library does Nightmist use? Just wondering; I've done a fair amount of SIP voice chat programming lately for pretty much no reason.

#234910 Voice Chat

Posted by Yggdrasill on 16 October 2010 - 08:07 AM in Technical Support

Not sure if anyone that would tell, will tell me...but what voice chat library does Nightmist use? Just wondering as I've done a fair amount of SIP voice chat programming lately.

#234909 Spirit Elixer I

Posted by Yggdrasill on 16 October 2010 - 03:31 AM in Items for Sale

I lub teh wurld of bad speling and gud ecksuses!

#234905 Who's Been Here Since...

Posted by Yggdrasill on 16 October 2010 - 02:43 AM in Off-Topic Polls

Anyone have any of the original music files from the old NM? Broken Arm Tavern got one of the oldies back but there was some music in Cloud City and such that are long lost memories of mine. Would be awesome to get them back!

#234892 Spirit Elixer I

Posted by Yggdrasill on 15 October 2010 - 02:06 AM in Items for Sale

Yep, reported the spelling error in April-ish. Good catch though :P

P.S. Check out the description of Giant Mosquito Swarm. *sigh*

#234792 6 Stat Gnome

Posted by Yggdrasill on 06 October 2010 - 04:07 AM in Wanted

Out of pure curiosity, what's your straight 1a gold number? Just wondering.

#234776 Lvl 32 Dwarf Thief

Posted by Yggdrasill on 03 October 2010 - 10:53 PM in Characters for Sale

Got a 1a instant sale price (in gold)?

*bump* if not.

#234657 1a 34 Paladin

Posted by Yggdrasill on 26 September 2010 - 08:56 PM in Characters for Sale

Inglastex's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Human Archmaster Class IV Templar. Str: 19, Int: 9, Dex: 19, Con: 19, Wis: 19, Chr: 19, Lev: 34, Exp: 948,643,939, HP: 374, MP: 437, Stm: 6.
Spells: Heal, Cleanse, Aid, Divine Prayer, Champion's Strength, Holy Speed.
This character has been a level 13 Druid, with 134 HP, and 139 MP.
This character has been a level 22 Cleric, with 218 HP, and 230 MP.
This character has been a level 34 Paladin, with 374 HP, and 437 MP.

That's 30.56% to lvl 35. Comes naked. Min bid of 3.5 mil 1a.

You don't like it THEN DON'T POST HERE. Haters.

Only interested in 1a gold. If you're offering crits then don't bother posting. Items will be greatly undervalued.

As always I reserve the right to not sell to anyone for any reason.

#234639 Please Read

Posted by Yggdrasill on 25 September 2010 - 06:25 PM in Game Discussion

I think sewing lessons for staff should be mandatory.

#234603 Please Read

Posted by Yggdrasill on 23 September 2010 - 02:20 AM in Game Discussion

I don't want to give away information that Abstract doesn't want me to (I'm assuming if he wanted the specific ad's info available he'd have given it) but I can say that the above link is not the ad that prompted this investigation and that there are much more recent projects than that.

#234576 Empty Flasks + Mana Ponds

Posted by Yggdrasill on 21 September 2010 - 07:42 AM in Improvements

Yea that's a toughy. I'm still not 100% clear on engine limitations though. It's possible to have individual orcs drop them 100% of the time, but is it possible to make those specific orcs only spawn once a day or whichever interval is best? If so, I think this is a very viable solution to the mana pond uselessness.

#234574 Make Clans Have A Maxium Capacity

Posted by Yggdrasill on 21 September 2010 - 07:34 AM in Suggestions

What Cody...you don't want to have to boot some alts and go about business as normal? Not to mention that the whole point of 1a is cooperation. Not supported at all.

#234561 Empty Flasks + Mana Ponds

Posted by Yggdrasill on 19 September 2010 - 10:53 PM in Improvements

Sounds great to me. Only problem I see is orcs EVERYWHERE dropping the flasks. I'd then fill up a vault or two with flasks and then fill up a vault or two with mana water (make a clan trip to fill my vault). Now on my paladin I've made a ton of extra gold not having to pay for mana and still being able to stay out for hours per trip.

So supported if whoever is doing this is going to add flasks to only specific specific orcs as opposed to all orcs everywhere.

#234546 A Couple Suggestions

Posted by Yggdrasill on 19 September 2010 - 01:04 AM in Suggestions

I support an exp boost, even up to (or around) 125 pod on 1a. That would give at least a little incentive to doing relatively pointless bosses (no cobalt bows on 1a mind you).

But I do not support the mana ponds giving full mana back whenever you click on 'em. As far as I know, there's only one pond that is actually protected by anything and with something like that many classes could stay out forever. Paladins, clerics, and druids could heal themselves indefinitely. Mages and druids could run somewhere invised, come back and click the pond, and run away again. Sounds somewhat unbalancing to me.

But I do agree that mana ponds are useless as of right now. So since this would require some coding by JLH either way, I'd suggest the mana ponds only being usable once in a while (you drink all of it and it has to be magically restored or whatever other RP you want to throw at it). Maybe this would be once an hour just to give a boost to training as opposed to making training infinite.