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#73830 Last Chance For Nmhelper V2!

Posted by Xian on 24 October 2004 - 02:53 PM in Game Discussion

Those are the values for outside I beleive, all xp will be 1/2 in arena (except nm).

#73648 Offline Developer

Posted by Xian on 23 October 2004 - 11:40 PM in Help Forum

Yeh if you wanna post what the stats are called in the editor (I don't have it) I'll try to explain what they actually do, I think I can remember most of it.

#71807 Cs

Posted by Xian on 17 October 2004 - 11:45 AM in Off-Topic Polls

It's probably worth buying a retail copy of half-life, to get a cd-key. With that key you can play all the mods for it, including counter-strike and Lots of third party mods.

I got bored of cs years ago but still play team fortress and some third party ones.

#71806 Halo 2 Fans

Posted by Xian on 17 October 2004 - 11:42 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

The release dates are unchanged, 9/nov for us and 10-11/nov for europe and asia, thats on the bungie site.

#69708 Jlh Just Wasted Ya Alls

Posted by Xian on 09 October 2004 - 10:46 PM in Game Discussion

You try hitting it with anything? If I remember correctly most attacks will automatically do 0 against anything over 250.

#63442 I R Such Lazyness.

Posted by Xian on 18 September 2004 - 10:18 PM in Help Forum

I believe the old site that used to host it died awhile back, last time I needed that program I couldn't find it either.

#63436 We Have Another Abra :d

Posted by Xian on 18 September 2004 - 10:13 PM in Game Discussion

It was Will and Ste pk'd him when us 3 shared before, JLH told me in msn if there was any other incident like this of accidental dropping etc over 2mil he'd investigate.

Edit- May not still apply^ :P

#63435 Hey Staff

Posted by Xian on 18 September 2004 - 10:11 PM in Game Discussion

What Matt said and its p2p.

#61683 Really Good Idea

Posted by Xian on 13 September 2004 - 01:44 PM in Suggestions

Faily cool idea, would probably work in a game with a slower battle system, but not nm.

#60866 Alerting..

Posted by Xian on 11 September 2004 - 12:47 PM in Suggestions

I have a solution...Don't know if it would work though.... :P

Maybe you could do /alert [name] and then when the other player logs on it would be something like Zeppelin has set an alert for when you log on. Do /accept to accept the alert. It wouldn't alert me until /accept was entered, and then when entered it would show.

I don't know...could it work?

/memo XXX hi page me when your about so we can talk about XXXXX.

#47526 Trivia

Posted by Xian on 31 July 2004 - 12:28 AM in Help Forum

It used to be held on a regular basis but I haven't seen it much in a long time.

#47524 Change The Champs To This

Posted by Xian on 31 July 2004 - 12:24 AM in Suggestions

It is the closest feasable attempt at a no-teaming mosh that I can think of, although how would the mosh start?

#47522 Jlh R Meanie

Posted by Xian on 31 July 2004 - 12:21 AM in Game Discussion

"Put it away, or I'll saw it in arf"


#47376 The 101 Rules Of Nu-metal

Posted by Xian on 30 July 2004 - 12:41 PM in Off-Topic Discussion


#47192 Stamina

Posted by Xian on 29 July 2004 - 03:29 PM in Suggestions

And yet stam trick was the Only thing that required any skill at all as far as playing 1 alt was concerned.

#46682 Nmhelperbeta Version 0.98c

Posted by Xian on 27 July 2004 - 12:33 AM in Game Discussion

If you don't have this already..

first maze opens with orb of time leads to-
first boss is time knight, drops blade of time 10% chance, examine on his square spawns metallic key

metallic opens second maze leads to-
second is time mage, examine on the square to spawn, drops rusted key 80% chance

rusted opens 3rd maze leads to-
third is time mummy (undead), drop broken key 80% chance

broken key leads into portal of time, past the time guardian (moves off square every now and again- you cant fight it.. and win at least), is room of time, examine in here spawns boots.

edit: time god does nothing.

#46247 Rose Garden Descriptions

Posted by Xian on 24 July 2004 - 10:53 PM in Comments

It is a shame that alot of work can be put into making areas and 95% of players won't read them or care about the story behind the area.

I like the idea behind rg but agree the descriptions could be improved.

#46246 A Few Ideas

Posted by Xian on 24 July 2004 - 10:47 PM in Suggestions

I like some of these, dislike others:

1,2,3 would be useful, supported.

4 wouldnt work because you can set abilities/commands to right click anyway.

5 I'm not sure about.. I don't see staff supporting this for some reason.

6,7 supported.

8 I don't really understand where you mean it should show the stats.

9 supported, seen this in other games.

10 I semi-agree with, vaults in other towns yes, but not all bank locations.

11 Disagree, the current system of minimum house size to move seems to work tbh.

12 I'm not sure if i've heard of a similar system on the long term 'to-do list'. It would need to be alot more specific and detailed if you want to seriously suggest it tho.

#45923 Your Japanese Name!

Posted by Xian on 23 July 2004 - 12:11 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Yumi (archery), Taiki (large radiance).


#45922 Ydoc's B-day!

Posted by Xian on 23 July 2004 - 12:06 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Except a happy birthday week of triple xp..

#45741 Counter-strike Pwnage

Posted by Xian on 22 July 2004 - 02:35 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

The sad thing about all of these cs flash cartoons is that its all true :s

#45738 Fav. Morph

Posted by Xian on 22 July 2004 - 02:29 PM in Druid Class Discussion

Aren't they all the same.. so everyone's reason would be better looking pic/description?

#45736 Help Me Understand

Posted by Xian on 22 July 2004 - 02:29 PM in Berserker Class Discussion

Balance at low and high levels is totally different, but in this case you're right. PvP- dwarves are just better, PvM- depends on what kind of mobs you want to kill.

#45732 Blackjack

Posted by Xian on 22 July 2004 - 02:26 PM in Suggestions

Hold 'em would be comparatively difficult to code, and kinda pointless to play online. Anyone with a calculator can play poker on a pc and win just by playing the odds, the real skill shows when playing irl.

#45332 Thieves

Posted by Xian on 20 July 2004 - 07:58 PM in Suggestions

Its not the best or fastest language but for a text based game like nightmst its definitely the easiest and quickest to write in- and more than sufficient to handle what the game needs.

Anyway, it only makes sense that if you're covert and you speak you're either discovered or your name is hidden. If they know who you are.. and they can hear you... you're not covert?