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Individual Class Discussion >> Pacifist Class Discussion >> Evaluation of Nothing!!
(Message started by: Eternyte on 06/14/03 at 11:33:55)

Title: Evaluation of Nothing!!
Post by Eternyte on 06/14/03 at 11:33:55
Ok this is really starting to tick me off. Everyone is posting what Pacifist should and shouldnt be able to do.
Also how useless they are, and other abilities they need, and different ways to kill a Pacifist.

Firsty, a Pacifist is unable to kill anything Good. They are unable to be part of a party. They are unable to be killed because of their unrelenting faith, and the power their diety gives them to be protected.

Why is everyone saying how much they suck, and what they need anyway. HOW THE HELL WOULD YOU KNOW!!!!...they arent even in the game yet.
Maybe when there are a few level 30's of them running about people can comment.

Just wait until the class is able to be created before throwing subjective comments on the class about the forums.

I personally am looking forward to training a Pacifist, thats something the game needs....."Role Playing". Since it is a Role Playing Game.

Title: Re: Evaluation of Nothing!!
Post by Harath on 06/14/03 at 12:58:40
Most people won't RP with it, it's obvious.. And even if someone did they'd have people take the piss out of them. Personally I wouldn't mind trying, but I'd much rather just act normally then have everyone laughing at me.

Edit: I agree with you though, some people seem to think there going to be useless (Me to at first) but after thinking about it I think it would make quite a nice change, actually being able to kill the DG without being pked would be good.

Title: Re: Evaluation of Nothing!!
Post by WiccanTrails on 06/14/03 at 14:20:44
Eternyte I agree with you.  As a matter of fact, there is a pure RP clan in the game.  From what I've heard through the grapevine however, people do hassle them for being RP'ers and not PK'ers hardcore.  I do think that is sad since this game is ~supposed~ to be an RP game, yet the RP'ers
are hassled and put down.  Too bad people don't see that it takes no skill to roll a 6 stat perf..that just takes time.  The skill is being able to RP and create storylines in a game that is majority non-rp'ing.  At least now there's a chance for some crits to RP without getting PK'ed every time they turn around...just too bad that doesn't fit for everyone.

Title: Re: Evaluation of Nothing!!
Post by Deval on 06/16/03 at 04:29:31

I love this unrelenting ramble about RP when 99% of people who play Nightmist use alts, and I'm afraid that's not very RP'ish.

Title: Re: Evaluation of Nothing!!
Post by Old School Freaks on 06/17/03 at 14:06:06

on 06/14/03 at 12:58:40, Harath wrote:
Most people won't RP with it, it's obvious.. And even if someone did they'd have people take the piss out of them. Personally I wouldn't mind trying, but I'd much rather just act normally then have everyone laughing at me.

No one will laugh at you if you don`t tell them who you are. In addition to what has been stated about Pacifist I would also like to point out they will not be able to join clans. So without a clan tag no one will ever know.
Does everyone remember when Halor became staff? Most walked around NM for days chatting about who it could possible be. It was actually fun talking with others exchanging things they had heard. Trying to get another piece of the puzzle and be the first to figure out who it was.
Can you guess which one I am....

Title: Re: Evaluation of Nothing!!
Post by Harath on 06/17/03 at 16:51:35
They might not laugh at your alts, but they would laugh at your pacifist crit, and as nobody else role plays whats the point? Just be you sat there talking to youself.. fun...

Title: Re: Evaluation of Nothing!!
Post by Dwaerkyn on 06/20/03 at 02:34:10
I bet you no-one would laugh at you if your rp-ed, I did it once and a couple of people followed me, interested.  After a while, they asked if they could too.

I would just look on amused.  Like you might watch a six-year old tee-ball game.

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